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Press Releases

No Start Date Title Department Category
1 2020-08-20 Crime scene reconstruction: determining time of RNA death by analysis of RNA degradation fragments Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center Research Findings
2 2020-06-23 Discovery of a Key Lipid Signal Mechanism for Pollen Fertilization Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology Research Findings
3 2019-11-15 Novel strategy for enhancing rice productivity in response to climate changes: Discovery and utilization of key technologies in maintaining sugar homeostasis Institute of Molecular Biology Research Findings
4 2019-09-26 Molecular mechanism of light-regulated alternative splicing in plants Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology Research Findings
5 2019-01-22 Stout camphor tree genome sequence completed: filling gaps in understanding flowering plant evolution Biodiversity Research Center Research Findings
6 2018-11-09 IRON MAN to the rescue: Research found small peptides that regulate iron homeostasis in flowering plants Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology Research Findings
7 2018-06-28 Completion of Chromosome-level Assembly, Genetic and Physical Maps of Orchid Phalaenopsis aphrodite Genome to Advance Orchid Industry Molecular Breeding Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center Research Findings