South Campus
Academia Sinica South Campus map(Google Maps)
Development Goals
Academia Sinica is Taiwan’s pre-eminent research institution. Its mission has three major components: enhance research in the humanities and sciences; conduct, promote, and facilitate scholarly research; and cultivate outstanding academic talent. Academia Sinica encourages its faculty to focus primarily on solid, basic research, aiming for innovative development, enhancing national laboratories, and producing policy recommendations. In 2012, Academia Sinica initiated the establishment of the Academia Sinica South Campus (ASSC), in order to promote cutting-edge, basic research, improving talent, and expanding resources. Based in the earmarked development area near the Tainan high-speed railway station, ASSC aims to draw Taiwan’s prospective researchers together and stimulate regional academic development. After seven years of planning, the ground-breaking ceremony was held on May 11, 2018, and the first phase of the construction project was completed on September 21, 2020. Incorporating local talent and the unique regional environment, industry, and cultural resources, ASSC will build upon current resources from Academia Sinica and respond to new trends in socio-economic and academic development as well as global climate change. Emphasis will be placed on research in agricultural biotechnology, quantum technology, zero carbon sustainability, and in the humanities and social sciences. ASSC looks forward to developing characteristic research fields in the south and stimulate innovative thinking in agriculture, environment, culture and other research fields. By making the most of the regional advantages, ASSC will actively recruit talent from both domestic and international sources to enhance research and talent cultivation in Taiwan’s southern region. This will drive the continued development of industries, foster a cluster effect, implement technology in various industries, ultimately elevating the high-tech industries in southern Taiwan.Features of the Academia Sinica South Campus
- Campus Environment and Landscape:
The overall design of the campus is centered on creating an international university town, promoting biodiversity, and adhering to sustainable development principles such as green and smart buildings. In the initial phase of construction, the spatial development and environmental features took inspiration from the essence of "agricultural biotechnology." The buildings are constructed around a central pond area, with lower interior and higher exterior structures. - Base Environment Facility Planning:
- The campus water system is planned with a low-impact development approach and the concept of sponge cities.
- Stormwater management: Multiple flood detention areas are established, which utilizes layered filtration, purification, and retention mechanisms to preserve water and reduce flooding.
- Water resource reuse: In Tainan, where evaporation exceeds rainfall during the summer, the central pond area incorporates floating islands, aquatic plants, and tree canopies to provide shade and reduce evaporation. The floating islands and aquatic plants help purify the water and provide habitat for aquatic organisms.
- Settings for Interaction between Knowledge and Environment:
Open spaces are centered and accompanied by flood detention ponds and a central green landscape, creating a majestic campus that embodies a grand atmosphere. The surrounding areas will also feature walkways to create a comfortable setting for communication within an excellent research environment. - Creating a Biodiversity Environment:
The emphasis on creating a quality living environment in ASSC is reflected in the incorporation of landscape water ponds with flood detention functions. These ponds not only serve as flood control measures while the southwest monsoon cools the campus and provide a favorable environment during the summer. Additionally, the ponds increase biodiversity and help water conservation.
南部生物技術中心 南部生物技術中心為第一個進駐的研究團隊,發展方向為農業 基因體研究、功能性小分子研究及轉譯農學應用。我們設置了基因 轉殖溫室、質譜設施、生物資訊平臺和植物自動化表型檢測系統等 高端設備,利用功能基因體學、代謝體學、信號傳遞研究及生物資 訊分析平臺等技術,研究臺灣重要農作物(如水稻、蘭花、番茄、大 豆、香蕉和花椰菜)抵抗環境逆境與防禦病蟲害的機制,發展作物精 準育種與作物改良。功能性生物小分子研究方面,通過鑑定作物的 化學型並探討其生合成代謝路徑,提升作物經濟價值和應對逆境能 力,配合深度學習和影像分析,提高作物表型準確性,參與多項大 型計畫,如關鍵突破計畫、農業生質碳匯及綠能技術發展計畫、永續農學計畫等,促進臺灣農業生物科技產業升級。
南部育成中心主要任務為提供場所、設施及相關服務,促使本 院農業生技、基因體相關領域之研發成果能協助業者開發新技術、 新產品,或進行先期研發,提升創業契機,孕育新事業發展。培育 重點為發展農業生技領域之研究成果及技術平臺,與南部學研單位 合作進行技術開發及培育產業人才。招商對象為1)國內外廠商,2) 具研發能力及新創技術之個人,3)院內外之學研單位,進駐辦法請參閱網站說明。
RCCIResearch Center for Critical Issues, Academia Sinica
In January 2024, Academia Sinica established the Research Center for Critical Issues (RCCI) to assist the nation and society in addressing major challenges, by providing world-class research and development solutions to critical problems.
Research Programs on Critical Issues
RCCI emphasizes team-based thematic centers and research projects that conduct research and development aligned with national policies or have significant impacts on society. The goal is to apply research outcomes to help address critical issues facing the nation and society. Currently, RCCI has selected two areas—"Net-Zero Technology" and "Quantum Technology"—for inclusion in the center’s thematic centers and research projects.
In the field of Net-Zero Technology, the "Thematic Center for Marine Energy," the "Next-Generation Solar Cell Research Project," and the "Methane Pyrolysis Research Project" have been incorporated. The Thematic Center for Marine Energy focuses on projects such as Kuroshio Current power generation and seaweed carbon sequestration. Two surveys of the Kuroshio Current have been completed, the anchor point for the power generator has been selected, and the construction of a 100-kW ocean-current power generator has begun. In terms of seaweed carbon sequestration, some suitable species have been selected, and new cultivation techniques are under development. Larger-scale carbon sequestration experiments will be conducted in suitable areas off the eastern coast of Taiwan. In addition, the Department of Natural Sciences and Sustainable Development, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) has launched the "Taiwan Marine Observatory System" core facility project, which is jointly executed by RCCI and the Taiwan Ocean Research Institute. The overall goal is to enhance domestic marine research capabilities and expand substantive cooperation with the Ocean Affairs Council and the National Academy of Marine Research.
The "Next-Generation Solar Cell Research Project" primarily focuses on developing large-area, high-efficiency perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells, aiming to increase efficiency to nearly 30% while also investing in automated manufacturing process development. The "Methane Pyrolysis Research Project" focuses on the methane pyrolysis technology, which breaks down natural gas into hydrogen and solid carbon black. Hydrogen can be mixed in appropriate proportions into natural gas generators to reduce carbon emissions during power generation. The resulting solid carbon black is a valuable industrial material with applications including tires, plastics, lithium battery electrodes, and construction materials.
In the field of Quantum Technology, the "Thematic Center for Quantum Computer" and the "Quantum Photonics Research Project" are housed in RCCI, with the establishment of clean rooms and testing laboratories. The Thematic Center for Quantum Computer is developing prototypes of general-purpose quantum computers, standardizing the chip manufacturing process, conducting preliminary quantum computations, and developing related subsystems, including high-speed digital control circuits and Cryo-CMOS components. The Quantum Photonics Research Project focuses on developing high-efficiency, high-brightness single-photon emitters with indistinguishable photons, as well as high-sensitivity, fast-response superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. These developments are closely tied to the future quantum technology industry in Taiwan.
Another important mission of RCCI is to establish core facilities related to the aforementioned research projects, such as fabrication and testing facilities for superconducting quantum computers, fabrication and analysis facilities for quantum photonic devices, and facilities for characterizing solar cell thin films and quantifying device efficiency. These facilities will be open to researchers nationwide, with dedicated technical staff responsible for operation and technical support.
In addition to the two main research areas, RCCI is also planning research projects in the humanities, aiming to introduce advanced information technologies to accelerate the progress of humanities research. RCCI strives to offer practical solutions across various fields, contributing to the advancement of scientific research and societal progress in Taiwan.
Humanities and Society人文社會研究基地
人文社會科學研究的發展,是南部院區的重要任務之一,目前 已建置「人文社會研究基地」,基地中也設有「數位圖書檔案室」 ,將中研院豐沛的數位圖書檔案資源與南部讀者共享。目前已有計 畫團隊進駐,分別研究南臺灣的社會轉型與臺商的貿易網絡。人文 社曾研究團隊的進駐,亦將深化與在地學術社群、文史工作者的合 作。我們期待未來有更多研究團隊進駐,與中南部學者共同推展具有南方特色,以及重大歷史、文化與社會意義的研究課題。
- Campus Environment and Landscape:
Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
- Institute of Mathematics
- Institute of Physics
- Institute of Chemistry
- Institute of Earth Sciences
- Institute of Information Science
- Institute of Statistical Science
- Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences
- Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Research Center for Applied Sciences
- Research Center for Environmental Changes
- Research Center for Information Technology Innovation
- Division of Life Sciences
Division of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Institute of History and Philology
- Institute of Ethnology
- Institute of Modern History
- Institute of Economics
- Institute of European and American Studies
- Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy
- Institute of Taiwan History
- Institute of Sociology
- Institute of Linguistics
- Institute of Political Science
- Institutum Iurisprudentiae
- Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences
- Cross-Divisional Research Center
Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
South Campus

- Address:128 Section 2, Academia Road, Nankang, Taipei 115201, Taiwan
- Phone:+886-2-27822120~9 (10 lines)
- Contact:aspublic@gate.sinica.edu.tw