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Academic Honors

#Earth Sciences
No Start Date Title Department Category
1 2019-09-03 Distinguished Research Fellow Benjamin Fong Chao and Joint-Appointment Research Fellow Kuo-Fong Ma have been elected as American Geophysical Union Fellow. Institute of Earth Sciences Academic Honors
2 2019-07-04 Awardees of 2019 Junior Researcher Award Announced Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service Academic Honors
3 2019-01-02 The Grand Power Law of turbulence in the Milky Way: from in situ observations of Voyager 1 Institute of Earth Sciences Academic Honors
4 2018-04-25 科技部「106 年度博士後研究人員學術著作獎」本院獲獎名單 Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service Academic Honors
5 2018-02-05 Three Academicians Elected as New TWAS Members, A Taiwanese Scholar Selected as TWAS Prize Co-Recipient Department of International Affairs Statement
6 2017-08-28 Academician Lou-Chuang Lee receives the 2017 S. Chandrasekhar Prize of Plasma Physics from AAPPS Institute of Earth Sciences Academic Honors
7 2017-03-15 Dr. Ya-Ju Hsu has won the 2017 Promising Women in Science Award of Wu Chien Shiung Scholarship Foundation Institute of Earth Sciences Academic Honors