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Research Findings

No Start Date Title Department Category
1 2023-02-16 The Central Politics School and Local Governance in Nationalist China: Toward a Statecraft beyond Science has been published Institute of Modern History Research Findings
2 2022-05-27 Research on Women in Modern Chinese History, Vol. 38 is now available Institute of Modern History Research Findings
3 2022-05-06 Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy (Vol.34, No.1) has been published Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Research Findings
4 2022-04-01 EurAmerica, Vol. 52, No. 1 is now available Institute of European and American Studies Research Findings
5 2022-02-09 Taiwan Journal of Anthropology, Academia Sinica, Volume 19 No.2 has been published Institute of Ethnology Research Findings
6 2022-01-25 Research on Women in Modern Chinese History , Vol. 37 is now available Institute of Modern History Research Findings
7 2021-09-08 Law and Politics on Export Restrictions: WTO and Beyond Institute of European and American Studies Research Findings
8 2019-04-11 The Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Vol. 102 is now available online Institute of Modern History Research Findings