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Research Findings

No Start Date Title Department Category
1 2023-10-20 Deciphering purinosome assembly mechanism to open a new direction for cancer metabolism research Institute of Biological Chemistry Research Findings
2 2023-08-31 AI Accelerates Protein Design and Enhances Enzyme Activity Institute of Biological Chemistry Research Findings
3 2023-02-04 Cytosolic galectin-4 enchains bacteria, restricts their motility, and promotes inflammasome activation in intestinal epithelial cells Institute of Biomedical Sciences Research Findings
4 2022-07-21 Chemists restructure an old natural product: Discovery a highly specific Golgi α-mannosidase inhibitor as a new anticancer agent Genomics Research Center Research Findings
5 2022-06-09 Noise canceling in gene expression by uORFs Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology Research Findings
6 2022-05-23 Molecular insights of how cancer risk factor BAP1 nuclear import is regulated by TNPO1 Institute of Biological Chemistry Research Findings
7 2022-02-23 Highly integrated analytical platform for streamlined single cell proteomics profiling Institute of Chemistry Research Findings
8 2021-02-19 Protein instability links to intellectual disability – a breakthrough in the cerebral development Institute of Biological Chemistry Research Findings
9 2021-01-19 Perfection in the imperfection – molecular mechanism for genetic diversity Institute of Biological Chemistry Research Findings
10 2018-09-20 Sunney Chan Lecture- CRISPR Biology Guides the Future of Genome Editing Institute of Chemistry Research Findings