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Academic Honors

Academia Sinica Team Won International Competition on AI Diagnosis of Arrhythmias

Date: 2018-11-16

The 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology held at Nanjing, China, on October 17-20, announced that a team from Academia Sinica won The China Physiological Signal Challenge 2018, an international AI competition it organized ( http://u6956774.viewer.maka.im/pcviewer/4RD4O3QR). The AS team from the Institute of Biomedical Sciences devised a novel architecture of deep-learning neural network to achieve unprecedented accuracy in automatic identification of arrhythmias based on patients’ 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) data provided by the conference for the competition.

The AS team outperformed over 50 teams from around the world, including teams from University of Oxford, Imperial College London, University of Wisconsin, University of Cincinnati, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, FuDan University, and South Korea’s Konkuk University.

Members of the AS team are research assistant Mr. Tsai-Min Chen, master student Mr. Chih-Han Huang of the Genome and Systems Biology Degree Program of National Taiwan University and Academia Sinica, post-doctoral researcher Dr. Edward S. C. Shih, and Principal Investigator Dr. Ming-Jing Hwang.
