Date: 2021-08-13
The newest issue of the Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy has just been published by the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. Articles in this issue (Vol.33, No.2) include:
1.Yun-I Lai, “ “Every War Derived Entirely from Just Causes, Is a Just War”: Hugo Grotius’s Discursive Strategy and Political Thought in De Jure Praedae”
2.Szu-ning Ping, “A Signal of Aid: Adverse Effects on the Onset of Civil War”
3.Shun-Wen Wu and Lee-Kai Lin,“Effects of a Unit-Based Pricing Program on Municipal Solid Waste: Evidence from New Taipei City”
4.Mayumi Tabata, “Hidden Worries of Taiwanese FPD Industry after the Defeat of Sharp: Strategic Coupling and Technological Dependence”
5.Chih-lung Huang, “Regional Care-centered Society within Local Revitalization in Japan: The Dialogue between Civil Economy and Civic Economy”.