Date: 2024-07-05
The latest issue of《EurAmerica》has been published. This issue includes five articles on Thinking about Law: New Perspectives on Legal Philosophy. The authors and titles of these articles are as follows:
Special Issue on Thinking about Law: New Perspectives on Legal Philosophy
1. Hung-Ju Chen, “Introduction to the Special Issue on Thinking about Law: New Perspectives on Legal Philosophy” (in Chinese)
2. Chun-Tao Lee, “Historical Development and Economic Analysis of the Aquilian Fault Liability: An Exegesis of Pomponius D. 9, 2, 39 (‘Driving Off a Pregnant Mare’)” (in Chinese)
3. Yi-Chen Lo, “An Analogie Model Based on IBE” (in Chinese)
4. Po-Jung Su, “On Robert Alexy’s Theory of the Dual Nature of Law” (in Chinese)
5. Yuan-Chung Cheng, “Does Speech Act Theory Contribute to Explaining the Coverage of Freedom of Speech? A Reflection on the Schauer-Greenawalt Approach” (in Chinese)
To browse the full thesis, please visit the EurAmerica webpage of the Institute of European and American Studies: