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Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General

  • Secretary-General Shin-Kun Peng


    Secretary-General Shin-Kun Peng 

    Personal Webpage 

    1985-1989 Ph.D., Regional Science, Department of Regional Science, University of Pennsylvania 
      After graduating from the National Cheng Kung University, Dr. Shin-Kun Peng obtained his Ph.D. in Regional Science from the University of Pennsylvania 1989. His research focuses on regional economics, industry economics, and global trade. Over the past decades, Dr. Peng has performed distinguished work in research, teaching, and administration.
      Dr. Peng’s career has been noteworthy for his pursuit of academic excellence. He received the Taiwan National Science and Technology Council’s Academic Research Award in 1993, the Academic Research Award from the Taiwan Institute of Urban Planning in 2003, the Taiwan Industrial Economics Award from the Taiwan Economics and Industry Association in 2005, the National Science and Technology Council’s Distinguished Research Award in 2007, the Award for Outstanding Academic Research from National Taiwan University in 2009, the Research Achievement Award (Social Science) from Taiwan’s Ministry of Education in 2009, the Investigator Award from Academia Sinica in 2016, the Distinguished Research Award on Economic Policy Research from the Taiwan Economic Association (TEA) in 2016 (joint award with Kamhon Kan and Ping Wang), and the Distinguished Contribution Award from the Taiwan Economic Association in 2018.
      Dr. Peng has served as Joint-Appointment Professor of Economics (2003-2022) and Professor of Building and Planning (2002-2016) at National Taiwan University, and Professor of Economics (2009-) at National Cheng Kung University. In 2013, he served as the executive secretary of two Academic Sinica policy research groups, working closely with prominent Taiwanese scholars to advise the government. The research groups’ collective efforts resulted in the policy proposals “Tax Reform,” and “Economic Competition and Growth in Taiwan.”
      Dr. Peng also has significant experience in academic administration, serving as Deputy Director (2001-2004) and Director (2007-2013) of the Institute of Economics, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Central Advisory Committee (2006-2007), and Advisory Committee Member of the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences at Academia Sinica. Dr. Peng has also served as Convener of the Regional Science and Geography Discipline and Committee Member in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Science and Technology Council. In addition, he was an Executive Committee member of the Ministry of Education’s Academic Review Committee (2010-2011), and has served as President of the Chinese Regional Science Association-Taiwan (CRSA-T), President of the Taiwan Economic Association, and President of the Chinese Economics Association in North America (CEANA).

    Deputy Secretary-General Chun-Houh Chen

    Deputy Secretary-General Chun-Houh Chen  

    Deputy Secretary-General Chun-Houh Chen      

    Personal Webpage      

    1992 Ph.D., Mathematics , University of California, Los Angeles
      Deputy Secretary-General Chun-Houh Chen obtained his bachelor's degree from the Department of Statistics at the College of Law and Business of National Chung Hsing University (the predecessor of the National Taipei University) in 1984, and then obtained a master's degree (1990) and doctorate (1992) in Mathematics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His areas of expertise include multivariate statistical methods, exploratory data analysis (EDA), data/information/matrix visualization, dimension reduction, machine/deep learning, biobanking, bioinformatics, precision/intelligent health.
      Dr. Chen is an internationally renowned statistician. He has served as an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics/Computer and Information Systems at the George Washington University (1992-1993), Assistant Research Fellow (1993-2002), Associate Research Fellow (2002-2011), and Research Fellow (2011-) at the Institute of Statistical Science of Academia Sinica. He served as the Chairperson of the Asian Regional Section (ARS) of the International Association for Statistical Computation (IASC) (2013-2015), Council of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) (2015-2019), and is the current president of the IASC (2023-2025). Dr. Chen's most important research results are the Generalized Association Plots (GAP) series of matrix visualization methods and software, which are important visualization tools in the field of EDA, and can be used to visualize continuous, binary, ordinal, categorical, symbolic, and cartography data with high-dimensional/large sample structure. In recent years, Dr. Chen has invested in precision and intelligent health-related research and practical work, leading the Academia Sinica related research and application programs with academia and the medical community.
        Dr. Chen also actively participates in domestic academic administrative services. He has served as president of the Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics (2013-2016), convener of the Academic Committee of the Chinese Statistical Association (2017-2023), director of the Academic Affairs and Instrument Services, Academia Sinica (2016-2017), deputy director of the Institute of Statistical Science (2012-2016), director (2017-2023), co-convener of the Data Science Degree Program jointly organized by Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University (2017-2023), co-PI in charge of Informatics of the Taiwan Biobank (2018-2022), co-PI of the Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative (TPMI) (2019-), and currently also serves as the Deputy Secretary-General of Academia Sinica (2023-).