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Academia Sinica currently has 24 research institutes and 9 research centers, with almost 1,000 researchers whose expertise spans its three main Divisions: Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences.

Academia Sinica Research Highlights

Academia Sinica Research Highlights

Academia Sinica currently has 24 research institutes and 9 research centers, with almost 1,000 researchers whose expertise spans its three main Divisions: Mathematics and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Humanities and Social Sciences.

Academia Sinica encourages faculty to focus primarily on solid basic research, aiming for innovative discoveries and the advancement of knowledge. In addition, AS initiates in-depth research through innovative analysis that pushes the boundaries of conventional wisdom to solve society’s most pressing challenges and support long-term development.

In order to share leading research results with both the scholarly community and the general public, Academia Sinica publishes Research Highlights on an annual basis, including abstracts of research projects, articles, and books in a wide range of fields.

AS Research Highlights: https://sec.sinica.edu.tw/pages/3304 

Academia Sinica Publications Integration Platform

Academia Sinica Publications Integration Platform

The Academia Sinica Publications Integration Platform hosts a collection of nearly 4,000 items of bibliographic information collected by 16 research units since 1932, allowing users to browse through these items with just one click and keep up with the latest trends in the academic world. The Platform’s three main features (“Publication through Data,” “Book Library Overview,” and “Book Library Search”) allow you to search for thematic books and information about new books, as well as glance at Academia Sinica’s research focus plus each unit’s development and publishing characteristics.

Academia Sinica Publications Integration Platform: https://aspress.ascdc.tw/


Academia Sinica Scholars Hub

Academia Sinica Scholars Hub

The Academia Sinica Institutional Repository project was officially launched on February 28, 2014 with the goal of distributing our researchers’ achievements to the general public more efficiently and enhance the utilization rate of AS research results. Now renamed the “Academia Sinica Scholars Hub”, this service platform includes: a brief introduction; a publications catalog of AS institutes and research centers; researchers’ resumes, publications, and research networks; and news about major academic activities plus policy recommendation reports.

Academia Sinica Scholars Hub: https://ir.sinica.edu.tw/?&locale=en 

