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2024 Academia Sinica Sustainability Science Research Program Accepting Applications

Date: 2023-05-04

The 2024 Academia Sinica Sustainability Science Research Program (SSRP) is now accepting applications. Applicants should go to the “Academic Service and Management System, Academia Sinica” (https://asms.sinica.edu.tw) and complete their applications by June 21, 2023. Designated files should be sent to the SSRP mailbox (ssrpas@gate.sinica.edu.tw) as per proposal submission instructions.


  1. Please refer to the Guidelines for the Academia Sinica Sustainability Science Research Program for details.
  2. The project period is three years, starting on January 1, 2024. Projects are classified into two categories: Multi-component Team Research Project (MTRP) and Team Research Project (TRP).
  3. Application results will be announced in November 2023. Approved projects will commence from January 2024. All Project PIs and Co-PIs must sign the SSRP Project Execution Agreement before the project commences.
  4. Approval from the relevant AS units must be obtained before commencing any research projects involving biological and/or genetically engineered materials, animal experiments, or human subjects. If the approved documentation is not available at the time of application, proof (e.g., email notification, picture of web portal etc.) that it is being reviewed will be accepted provisionally. However, the approved documentation must be provided before the project commences.
  5. Please refer to the “2024 SSRP Proposal Submission Instructions” and complete the application at the “Academic Service and Management System, Academia Sinica” (https://asms.sinica.edu.tw) by June 21, 2023. One hard copy of the proposal should be sent to the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service, Central Administrative Office. The files of “Budget Balance Spreadsheet” and “List of Suggested Reviewers and Conflicts of Interests” should be sent to the SSRP mailbox (ssrpas@gate.sinica.edu.tw).
  6. For more information, please contact Ms. Lee at the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service at 886-2-2787-2575.

Files for Download: