Date: 2024-11-27
Academia Sinica Academician Tai-Ping Liu has recently been elected as a Foreign Member (Accademici) of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, in recognition of his contributions to mathematics, mechanics, and related applications.
Prof. Liu’s research activity centers on nonlinear partial differential equations in fluid dynamics and the kinetic theory of gases. For system of hyperbolic conservation laws, he has made contributions on fundamental issues such as the general admissibility condition for shock waves, the functional approach for the well-posedness theory, and formulation of relaxation and nonlinear resonance phenomena. For viscous conservation laws, he established the theory for nonlinear stability of elementary waves. In the study of the Boltzmann equation in the kinetic theory, he introduced the Green’s function approach and resolved some of the key issues on the relation of the Boltzmann equation and the fluid dynamics.
The Accademia dei Lincei is one of the oldest and most prestigious European scientific institutions, founded in 1603 in Rome, Italy. Galileo Galilei was the intellectual center of the academy. The academy was named after the lynx, an animal whose sharp vision symbolizes the observational prowess that science requires. The Academy consists of two Classes: one of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences, the other of Moral, Historical and Philological Sciences. The Class of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences and the Class of Moral, Historical and Philological Sciences consist of ninety National Members, ninety Corresponding Members and ninety Foreign Members respectively. The academy’s fellowship is a lifetime honor and is divided into two fields: Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences field, and Humanities and Social Sciences field. Each field comprises approximately 270 members, including 90 foreign members. Academician Liu has been elected as a foreign member in the academy’s Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences field, following Academicians Tsung-Dao Lee, Shing-Tung Yau and Yuan-Tseh Lee.