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Academia Sinica Appoints New Vice President in the Division of Life Sciences

Date: 2022-12-21

Academia Sinica announced a new Vice President in the Division of Life Sciences today (December 21, 2022). Distinguished Research Fellow and Academician Tang K. Tang in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (IBMS) will be appointed as the new Vice President. Former Vice President Academician Fu-Tong Liu will retire on the same day.

According to President Liao, Academician Liu has tirelessly promoted basic research in life science and encouraged collaboration, innovation, and improvements since assuming office as Vice President in 2016. President Liao expressed his gratitude for Academician Liu’s service and wished him an enjoyable retirement. President Liao also invited colleagues to continue supporting Academician Tang as the new Vice President and work together to enhance development of the Division of Life Sciences.

The new Vice President, Academician Tang K. Tang, has a Ph.D. in Human Genetics from Yale University. His research focuses on centrosomes and abnormal cell division, leading to afflictions such as primary microcephaly, ciliopathies, and tumorigenesis in humans. His research demonstrates that basic scientific investigations are a critical a driver of translational research leading to practical outcomes.

Academician Tang joined the AS Institute of Biomedical Sciences (IBMS) in 1989 first as an Associate Research Fellow and then Research Fellow and Distinguished Research Fellow. He was elected an Academician in 2022. In addition to his academic accomplishments, Academician Tang has abundant administrative experience serving as IBMS Deputy Director, Central Academic Advisory Committee Executive Secretary and Head of the Ministry of Education Advisory Office.

To balance development in all three Divisions at Academia Sinica—the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, the Division of Life Sciences, and the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, a Vice President is appointed for each Division. The AS President appoints Academicians with outstanding scholarly achievements and administrative experience from each Division as Vice President nominees for appointment by the Taiwan President.

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  • Steffi Tung Lin, Media & Public Affairs, Secretariat, Academia Sinica

    (02) 2789-8820,tunglin@gate.sinica.edu.tw