Date: 2020-03-24
This issue contains 3 articles, 1 forum and 4 book reviews. The articles are:
1.En-En Hsu, Jieh-Min Wu, Tsung-Tang Lee, and I-lun Shih, “The Story of “We-NGO”: Explaining the Networks and Solidarity of the Sunflower Occupy Movement.”
2.Ke-Hsien Huang, “Crooks, Laborers, and the Miserable: The Homeless in Taiwan as Subject Acting within Field.”
3.Tsu-Bang Cheng, “The Divergence and Integration of Local/Consciousness in Hong Kong under the China Factor: From 2003 to 2016.”
Taiwanese Sociology (ISSN 168-2969) is published semiannually in June and December by the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica and the Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University. Articles in Taiwanese Sociology are indexed in EBSCO SocINDEX, ProQuest-Sociological Abstracts, and Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI).