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The Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Vol. 124 is now available

Date: 2025-01-03

The issue contains 3 articles, 1 research and discussion and 1 book review.


  1. Xin-zhe Xie, “The Horror of Capital Punishment: Body, Artifact and Sensibility in Chinese Executions by Strangulation and Hanging, 1906–1948”

  2. Wang Lei, “On Cao Kun’s Vote-Buying Checks and the Unpaid Salaries of National Assembly Members: A Discussion with Scholar Yang Tianhong”

  3. Zhang Sheng-dong, “Japan’s Diverse Use of the Manchukuo Army during the ‘Fifteen-Year War’”

Research and Discussion
1. Lin Chih-hung, “Recent Trends and Developments in the Study of Manchukuo (1998–2023): From the ‘Imperial Turn’ Onward”

Book Reviews
1. Hu Ruochen, “Zhao Liuyang, Women, Family and Legal Practice: A Social Legal History since the Qing Dynasty”

Full articles are accessible online: http://www.mh.sinica.edu.tw/bulletins.aspx
