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《Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series》 Volume 18 Number 4 is now available

Date: 2024-02-20

The latest issue of《Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica New Series》has been published. Articles in this issue include:
1. Eric Jian-Ting Chen, “Semi-classical heat kernel asymptotics and Morse inequalities”
2. Rizwan Khan, Nimra Khalid, “Codimension one foliations with coupling of saddle singularities”
3. Toshio Nakata, “Large deviations of sums mainly due to just one summand for super-heavy tailed distributions”
4. Asit Kumar Chongdar, Amartya Chongdar, “Weisner's methodic study of modified Jacobi polynomial”

Please visit: https://web.math.sinica.edu.tw/bulletin/default.jsp