Research on Women in Modern Chinese History, Vol. 41 is now available
Date: 2024-02-06
The issue contains 3 articles and 1 book review.
1. Chan I-ying, “Revisiting the ‘Revolutionary Heroine’ : The Dissemination and Transformation of the Image of the Russian Revolutionary ‘Sophia’ in Japan and China (1881-1911)”
2. Yen Na, “Self-Awareness of Multiple Margins: The Palimpsest Horizons of Lingnan Studies of SinYuk-ching”
3. Ni Julia Haoran, “ ‘Unqualified’ and ‘Licentious’ Nü Xiaozhang 女校長 in Republican China: Sexism toward Professional Women in School Leadership Positions”
【Book Review】
Lee Dian-Jung, “Book Review on Palace Norms: the Research on Court Women in Qing”
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