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Academia Economic Papers (Vol. 51, No. 4) has been published

Date: 2023-12-22

The newest issue of Academia Economic Papers has just been published by the Institute of Economics. Articles in this issue (Vol. 51, No. 4) include:

1. Tien-Wang Tsaur and Po-Le Lee, “The Assignment Problem for a Small Open Economy with Nontraded Goods”
2. Da-Kai Wu, Jia-Jhen Li, Joe Chen, Shih-Chang Huang, and Shi-Wan Lou, “Land Value Tax Capitalization in Taiwan: A Quasi-Experiment of City-County Merger with Administrative Tax Data”
3. Po-Chun Huang and Hsin-Chieh Tsai, “The Effect of Baby Bonuses on Fertility: Evidence from Taiwan”

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