Guidelines for the Core Facility and Innovative Instrument Program, Academia Sinica
Approved on November 15, 2017
Amended on August 14, 2019
Amended on December 3, 2020
Amended on August 14, 2019
Amended on December 3, 2020
- The Core Facility and Innovative Instrument Program has been established to ensure effectiveness in research resource utilization, enhance the quality of core facility services, and encourage development of innovative instruments. The following Guidelines have been enacted to achieve this end.
- The term core facilities in the Guidelines refers to shared research facilities that are accessible to all research fellows at Academia Sinica; innovative instruments refers to instruments with unique technical features or specialized functions.
- Project Grant Types:
- New Core Facility Projects: Projects that aim to set up new core facilities.
- Existing Core Facility Projects: Projects for the maintenance and operation of existing shared core facilities.
- Innovative Instrument Projects: Projects that aim to develop or improve specialized technical features or innovative functions at existing or new core facilities for scientific advancement.
Project Directors must be full-time AS employees at the rank of assistant research fellow or assistant research specialist or above.
- Core facility and innovative instrument projects funded by the Program are as follows:
- Facilities or instruments in line with AS research goals and having the potential to enhance research competitiveness.
- Facilities or instruments that meet common needs of users from multiple disciplines but are too expensive for individual investigators or research institutes to afford and maintain.
- Facilities or instruments that require skilled professional staffs to operate.
- Facilities or instruments for the development of research technologies or advancement of specialized instruments.
- Project grant periods range from one to five years. New project applications may be submitted one year before the grant period ends.
- The Core Facility and High-value Instrument Management Committee (the Committee) will invite experts in relevant fields to conduct a first round of peer review. After consulting first-round reviewers’ reports, a second meeting will be held for an overall evaluation, with relevant experts and users invited to take part in the discussion if necessary. Second-round results should be sent to the Central Academic Advisory Committee for final approval and funding.
- Qualified applicants should apply before the deadline; late applications will not be accepted. During the grant period, annual reports should be sent for review by the Committee as a reference for the following year’s funding and future project applications.
- Any matters not specified in these Guidelines shall be subject to relevant Academia Sinica procedures and committee resolutions.
- The Guidelines and amendments thereof have been approved and promulgated by the President of Academia Sinica.