South Campus
Academia Sinica South Campus map(Google Maps)
Development Goals
Academia Sinica is Taiwan’s pre-eminent research institution. Its mission has three major components: enhance research in the humanities and sciences; conduct, promote, and facilitate scholarly research; and cultivate outstanding academic talent. Academia Sinica encourages its faculty to focus primarily on solid, basic research, aiming for innovative development, enhancing national laboratories, and producing policy recommendations. In 2012, Academia Sinica initiated the establishment of the Academia Sinica South Campus (ASSC), in order to promote cutting-edge, basic research, improving talent, and expanding resources. Based in the earmarked development area near the Tainan high-speed railway station, ASSC aims to draw Taiwan’s prospective researchers together and stimulate regional academic development. After seven years of planning, the ground-breaking ceremony was held on May 11, 2018, and the first phase of the construction project was completed on September 21, 2020. Incorporating local talent and the unique regional environment, industry, and cultural resources, ASSC will build upon current resources from Academia Sinica and respond to new trends in socio-economic and academic development as well as global climate change. Emphasis will be placed on research in agricultural biotechnology, quantum technology, zero carbon sustainability, and in the humanities and social sciences. ASSC looks forward to developing characteristic research fields in the south and stimulate innovative thinking in agriculture, environment, culture and other research fields. By making the most of the regional advantages, ASSC will actively recruit talent from both domestic and international sources to enhance research and talent cultivation in Taiwan’s southern region. This will drive the continued development of industries, foster a cluster effect, implement technology in various industries, ultimately elevating the high-tech industries in southern Taiwan.
Features of the Academia Sinica South Campus
Campus Environment and Landscape:
The overall design of the campus is centered on creating an international university town, promoting biodiversity, and adhering to sustainable development principles such as green and smart buildings. In the initial phase of construction, the spatial development and environmental features took inspiration from the essence of "agricultural biotechnology." The buildings are constructed around a central pond area, with lower interior and higher exterior structures.Base Environment Facility Planning:
The campus water system is planned with a low-impact development approach and the concept of sponge cities.
Stormwater management: Multiple flood detention areas are established, which utilizes layered filtration, purification, and retention mechanisms to preserve water and reduce flooding.
Water resource reuse: In Tainan, where evaporation exceeds rainfall during the summer, the central pond area incorporates floating islands, aquatic plants, and tree canopies to provide shade and reduce evaporation. The floating islands and aquatic plants help purify the water and provide habitat for aquatic organisms.
Settings for Interaction between Knowledge and Environment:
Open spaces are centered and accompanied by flood detention ponds and a central green landscape, creating a majestic campus that embodies a grand atmosphere. The surrounding areas will also feature walkways to create a comfortable setting for communication within an excellent research environment.Creating a Biodiversity Environment:
The emphasis on creating a quality living environment in ASSC is reflected in the incorporation of landscape water ponds with flood detention functions. These ponds not only serve as flood control measures while the southwest monsoon cools the campus and provide a favorable environment during the summer. Additionally, the ponds increase biodiversity and help water conservation.