發布時間: 2024-02-27
卸任代理主任黃彥男先生為美國馬里蘭大學電腦科學系博士,曾任本院資訊科技創新研究中心研究員、特聘研究員、執行長等職務,並自105年8月1日起代理該中心主任,自106年10月9日起擔任該中心主任,自112年10月9日起代理該中心主任,曾獲IEEE Fellow by Computer Society for the Contributions on fault tolerant and fault avoidance software(2012)、Best Paper Award, 10th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS 2015)、最佳技術,新聞局金視獎 (Golden TV Award),台灣(2009–2010)、Best Paper Award, ACM NOSSDAV, USA (2007)、Receipient of Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Award, AT&T/Lucent Bell Labs, USA (1998)、Recipient of Computerworld Smithsonian Awards, USA (1998)、Recipient of the Lucent Commemorating Stock Certificate in recognition for work in inventing and pioneering the development of software fault tolerance, USA (1997),專長領域為Dependable Computing, Security and Privacy, Fault Tolerance, Innovative Multimedia Services, Mobile Communication, IPTV, P2P。
新任主任逄愛君女士為國立交通大學資訊工程學系博士,曾任國立臺灣大學助理教授、副教授、教授、電機資訊學院副院長及資訊網路與多媒體研究所所長、動見科技OmniEyes共同創辦人等職務,並曾獲IEEE Fellow(2021)、IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Distinguished Lecturer (2022-2023)、IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Women's Distinguished Career Award(2020)、Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, ROC(2019)(2022) (Twice)、CES Innovation Award(2019)、IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Distinguished Lecturer(2018-2022),專長領域為行動通訊網路、邊緣計算、智慧物聯網。