
發布時間: 2024-01-09

Healthy Longevity Global Grand Challenge
(accepting proposals from 2024/1/11-3/11)

Catalyst Awards will reward bold, new, potentially transformative ideas to improve the physical, mental, or social well-being for people as they age, and in a measurable and equitable way. Ideas could focus on any step in a lifespan, as long as it ultimately promotes health as people age. Facing the pandemics, additional emphases on disease prevention and management and response to pandemics are also included.


I. Information to be collected on-line:
1. Project title
2. Project PI and co-PI(s): email, name, affiliation
3. Project PI and co-PI(s): brief CVs (contact info, education, research interests/experience, 10 selected publications)
4. Project terms (1 or 2 years)
5. Budget requested
6. Application form
(available for download) (to be uploaded in PDF).

II. Application Format
Proposals that do not adhere to the following restrictions may not be considered.
1. All proposals must be written in English.
2. This section including references is limited to two pages in total (1 inch or 2.54 cm margins for all sides, single spaced, font: Times New Roman or Calibri, 11 point).
3. To facilitate double-blind reviews, applicants should not disclose, in the proposal body, information that can be used to identify the applicant(s), collaborator(s), or organization(s).
