發布時間: 2023-09-01
說明: CRISPR/Cas9系統自2013年第一次證實可以在哺乳類動物細胞進行基因編輯後,近十年的發展已經衍生出許多有利於提升編輯效率方式,基因轉殖鼠核心設施近年來均已採用CRISPR/Cas9 system進行基因改造小鼠的產製。為使使用者能更清楚CRISPR/Cas9 system的運作及最新的應用方式,故舉辦此演講。
講題:Unveiling the Potential of CRISPR_A guide to Gene Editing
主講人:Edward Wong Sern Yuen, PhD
職稱:IDT Field Application Scientist - CRISPR
日期:2023年9月12日 (報名截止日2023年9月5日)
The Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR) is a revolutionary gene-editing technology that has transformed the landscape of biological research and medical interventions. It was initially discovered in the genomes of bacteria as an adaptive immune response mechanism. With the better understanding of CRISPR technologies to-date, scientists harnessed the endonuclease activity of the Cas endonucleases into the system to edit specific DNA sequences.
The applications of CRISPR technology have been ground-breaking and extensive. In the field of molecular biology research, CRISPR has enabled precise genome editing, allowing scientists to study the gene functions, regulations and interactions leading to significant advancements in our understanding of genetics and disease mechanisms. With the optimization of CRISPR technology, it has been applied to various applications for different purposes, including the medicine for novel treatments and therapies development, the agriculture and biotechnology to increase yield and pest resistant.
In conclusions, CRISPR’s journey from a bacterial defense mechanism to a versatile gene-editing tool has revolutionized the life sciences. As a key service provide in CRISPR, IDT offers a one-stop solutions of CRISPR to help accelerating and simplifying the entire genome editing workflow. Today’s presentations will cover the working principles of CRISPR/Cas system and its applications as well.