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Guidelines for the Establishment of Core Facility User Committees, Academia Sinica


Guidelines for the Establishment of Core Facility User Committees, Academia Sinica

Approved on September 2, 2005
Amended on November 27, 2007
Amended on March 10, 2016
Amended on January 3, 2017
Amended on September 11, 2017
Amended on December 3, 2020

  • Core Facility User Committees have been established to ensure effectiveness in the maintenance and operation of core facilities, as well as enhance the quality of their services. The following Guidelines have been enacted to support these goals.
  • AS Core facilities may establish user committees consisting of five to eleven members based on operational requirements. Committee members should be representatives from units using the relevant facility who are recommended by facility managers and approved by AS. Committee members serve a term of two years and may continue if reappointed.
    Facility project directors and co-directors should not serve as committee members. No more than two committee members from the same AS institute or research center should serve on each committee.
    The list of committee members should be posted on each core facility’s website.
  • Each user committee should select a convener from among its members.
  • User committee functions are as follows:
    • Evaluate the service performance and operations of core facilities.
    • Evaluate user instructions and fee charging standards proposed by facility managers.
    • Evaluate requests for equipment purchase and replacement submitted by facility managers.
    • Review any other matters related to core facilities.
  • User committee meetings should be convened and chaired by their respective conveners. If conveners are unable to attend the meeting, they should appoint another member to chair the meeting on their behalf.
    User committees should convene at least twice a year to confirm the operational status of core facilities and related instruments. Representatives from the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service should be invited to attend these meetings.
    Pending matters requiring immediate attention may be reviewed via correspondence as per the convener’s instructions, and resolved with the approval of a majority of committee members.
  • Minutes of user committee meetings should be submitted to the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service.
  • These Guidelines and amendments thereof have been approved and promulgated by the President of Academia Sinica.

