International Academic Exchange
The Academic Exchange and Cooperation Committee develops closer academic collaboration between prominent foreign research institutions and leading local universities. The Committee oversees various academic cooperation agreements and promotes scholarly exchange and cooperative research projects. Department of International Affairs is also in charge of organizing Academies related international conferences, which can promote cooperation among Academies on important subjects such as the role of the Academies in creating a better world.
International Organization Affairs
Academia Sinica participates in several international scientific organizations, such as the International Council for Science (ICSU), the InterAcademy Panel (IAP) and the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS). In addition the Academy sponsors domestic academic societies to join international scientific associations in order to promote domestic participation in the international scientific community.
Arrangement of the Visits of International VIPs to Academia Sinica
Department of International Affairs arranges visits to Academia Sinica of honorary academicians, foreign institution/academy presidents and other international VIPs including visiting lecturers and visitors for other academic activities.