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Research Center for Environmental Changes

專任研究人員 Tenure-track faculty positions

  • Job Description
    1. Unit

      Research Center for Environmental Changes

    2. JobTitle

      專任研究人員 Tenure-track faculty positions

    3. Work Content

      The Research Center for Environmental Changes (RCEC), Academia Sinica invites outstanding scientists to apply for tenure-track researcher position at the assistant research fellow level or above in the Environmental Resilience and Sustainability Research Group (ERSRG). This position is expected to begin from summer of 2025. We particularly consider applicants with expertise in the area of “environmental change and health impacts/adaptation” with transdisciplinary approaches.

    4. Qualifications

      Academia Sinica advocates transdisciplinary and solution-oriented Sustainability Science in order to tackle the significant challenges on our society brought by global environmental changes. Sustainability Science is one of the priority areas in Academia Sinica Southern Campus. To support the development of Sustainability Science, RCEC has established ERSRG in 2020. The aims of ERSRG are to assess the impacts of environmental changes from human-centric perspectives and to explore potential adaptation options. Follow the development of Academia Sinica Southern Campus, a research team will be built up focusing on the area of human health and wellbeing under dynamic environmental changes with the anticipation of forming a thematic center in the near future. The current position of “environmental change and health impacts/adaptation” is open for Academia Sinica Southern Campus.

  • Working Environment
    1. Operating Hours

      依規定 Based on AS regulation

    2. Work Place

      本院南部院區 Academia Sinica Southern Campus

    3. Treatment

      依規定 Based on AS regulation

  • Acceptance Method
    1. Contacts

      張小姐 Ms. Chang

    2. Contact Address

      台北市南港區研究院路二段128號 128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 115201, Taiwan

    3. Contact Telephone


    4. Required Documents

      申請者請將個人資料(含完整著作目錄之CV)、一至三篇代表作、未來研究規劃及至少三位推薦人聯絡資訊,於2025年1月31日前上傳至AcademicJobsOnline.org (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/29176)。本中心及環境韌性與永續研究群組相關資訊請參閱網頁:https://www.rcec.sinica.edu.tw/index.php?action=researchGroup&cid=4。

      Applicants are required to have a doctoral degree; those who has an excellent record of independent research are highly welcomed. Application materials shall be submitted on-line through the Academic Jobs Online (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/29176) by including (1) curriculum vitae with a full publication list, (2) a research plan, (3) 1-3 representative papers, and (4) contact information of at least three reference peers.

      For more information, please visit the RCEC and Environmental Resilience & Sustainability Research Group webpage (https://www.rcec.sinica.edu.tw/index_en.php?action=researchGroup&cid=4) or contact Ms. Nellie Chang at nellie@gate.sinica.edu.tw. The application deadline is January 31, 2025.

    5. Precautions for application

  • Date
    1. Publication Date


    2. Expiration Date

