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Research Center for Information Technology Innovation

專任研究助理 1 Person

  • Job Description
    1. Unit

      Research Center for Information Technology Innovation

    2. JobTitle

      專任研究助理 1 Person

    3. Work Content

      • 從事腦機介面或AR/VR/MR的相關研究。
      • 提出假設,設計實驗,並進行數據收集。
      • 分析電生理訊號(包括但不限於EEG、EMG、EOG、SSVEP、眼球追蹤器等)並彙總發現。
      • 撰寫科學論文並發表成果。
      • 與其他團隊成員合作,記錄和轉移開發的技術。
      • Carry out research in the field of Brain-Computer Interfaces or AR/VR/MR.
      • Formulate hypotheses, plan user studies, and carry out data collection.
      • Analyze the collected bio-signals (include but not limited to EEG, EMG, EOG, SSVEP, eye-tracker.. ) and summarize the findings.
      • Contribute to the design of innovative devices for collecting bio-signals and test them.
      • Write scientific papers detailing findings for scientific conferences and journals.
      • Cooperate with other team members and business groups on documenting and transferring the developed technologies.”

    4. Qualifications

      • 電機工程/資訊工程/科學或相關領域的學士或以上學歷。
      • 證明在腦機介面或AR/VR/MR方面有研究能力,期刊和會議論文或實際應用。
      • 在腦機介面或AR/VR/MR等設備領域規劃並進行數據收集的經驗。
      • 具有3D打印、Matlab、Python、機器/深度學習程式設計經驗優先考慮。
      • 具有處理來自各種移動設備的電生理訊號(腦電,肌電,眼動訊號,穩態視覺誘發電位,眼動儀)採集的經驗。
      • 證明能夠在團隊中有效工作的能力。
      • Bachelor or above in Electrical Engineering/Computer Science or a related field.
      • Proven research capability in Brain-Computer Interfaces or AR/VR/MR as evidenced by journal and conference publications and/or preprints, or real-world applications.
      • Experience in planning, getting approval for, and carrying out data collection in the field of Brain Computer Interfaces or AR/VR/MR portable devices.
      • Experience in 3D printing, Matlab, Python, Machine/Deep Learning is a plus.
      • Experience in processing bio-signals from EEG/EMG/EOG/eye tracker devices.
      • Proven ability to work effectively in a multi-disciplinary team.
      • Strong communication skills and the ability to work well in a team environment.

  • Working Environment
    1. Operating Hours


    2. Work Place


    3. Treatment

      依中央研究院規定。專任碩士級研究助理月薪$43,624元起。專任學士級研究助理月薪$37,240元起。兼任助理(在學之碩、博士班 學生) 支領獎助學金每月$6000-$34000。專任助理享勞健保與年終獎金並適用勞動基準法。但有相關學術研究與系統開發經驗者,經面議後可彈性調薪。According to the regulations of the Academia Sinica, the monthly salary for a full-time research assistant with a master’s degree starts at approximately $41,885. For a full-time research assistant with a bachelor’s degree, the monthly salary starts at approximately $35,756. Part-time assistants (master’s and doctoral students who are still studying) receive a monthly scholarship of $6,000 to $34,000. Full-time assistants are entitled to labor and health insurance as well as an annual bonus. Those with relevant academic research and system development experience may negotiate for a flexible salary adjustment.

  • Acceptance Method
    1. Contacts

      王有德 博士

    2. Contact Address

      中央研究院資訊科技創新研究中心11529 台北市南港區研究院路2段128號

    3. Contact Telephone


    4. Email yutewang@citi.sinica.edu.tw
    5. Required Documents

      以PDF格式,請以電子郵件寄至yutewang@citi.sinica.edu.tw標題請註明「應徵專任/兼任研究助理-姓名」。若資格符合,將以電子郵件通知面談時間,資格不符者恕不另行通知。(1)個人履歷 (含學歷、研究與工作相關經驗、著作列表)。 (2)學位證書影本、成績單及其他相關證明文件 (3)其他有助審查資料 (例如著作影本)。所有檔案請以 PDF 格式寄送。
      In PDF format, please send the following documents to yutewang@citi.sinica.edu.tw with the subject line “Application for Full-time/Part-time Research Assistant - Your Name”. If you qualify, you will be notified of the interview time via email. Those who do not qualify will not be notified separately. 1. Personal resume (including education, research and work-related experience, list of publications). 2. Photocopies of degree certificates, transcripts, and other relevant documents. 3. Other materials that may assist in the review (such as photocopies of works).

    6. Precautions for application

  • Date
    1. Publication Date


    2. Expiration Date

