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Inflammation Core Facility Open House

Date: 2022-06-17

We will host an Open House on July 28, 2022. In addition to understanding our services and instruments, you can also visit the laboratory for consultation at any time that day. You can learn about our services without spending too much time. Light snacks will be provided for those who attend. You also have a chance to get discount coupons. You are cordially welcomed to attend.

Inflammation is highly relevant to many fields of biomedical science. Do you know that the inflammatory response is an important disease-causing factor? Inflammation can cause an increase or decrease in many cytokines/chemokines (inflammation-related proteins). Our inflammation core facility (ICF) provides tests of mediators related to the inflammatory response.

Major services include:

  • Multi-Plex Immunoassays (MPI) for measuring cytokine/chemokine levels.
  • Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining of target antigens.

The ICF also provides the following services:

  • Assisting the establishment of mouse models for skin diseases.
  • Providing information related to glycan-binding proteins as these proteins play important roles in inflammation and inflammatory responses.

For more information, please visit our website:

Inflammation Core Facility Open House:

Time: Thursday, July 28, 2022, 09:30–12:00, 13:00–17:30 (Information Sessions: 10:00, 15:00)

Venue:N431, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica

Contact Person:Ren-Shuang Wang

Phone Number:02-2652-3945


Registration is required for this free event.

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/qwUtB3wDd8a89bxQ9

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