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Five Scholars Receive the 5th Academia Sinica Scholarly Monograph Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Date: 2016-12-14

The 5th Academia Sinica Scholarly Monograph Award ceremony was held today at the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation. Dr. Yu-Lin Lee, Professor at the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies, National Chung Hsing University; Dr. Wei-Ping Lin, Professor at the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University; Dr. Ying-Wen Tsai, Research Fellow at the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica; Dr. Fei-wen Liu, Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica; and Dr. Hwa-Jen Liu, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University received the accolade. The ceremony was hosted by Vice President Chin-Shing Huang. During the ceremony, the five winners briefly presented their winning monographs.

This year’s five winning monographs cover research in Taiwan literature that includes: contemporary Taiwanese nature writers; Chinese popular religion in villages and cities; political problems facing Taiwan’s democratic transition and how far democracy is the appropriate criterion for political normality and political decency in Taiwan; the first full-length ethnography on the world’s gender-defined written script know as women’s writing; and analysis of movement sequence between Taiwan and South Korea. The recipients each received a certificate and a cash prize of NT$600,000.

This year, a total of 47 applications for the award were received from scholars spanning a wide range of fields. All submissions underwent a stringent review procedure of the highest standard.

Attachment: List of the five awardees of the 5th Scholarly Monograph Award in the Humanities and Social Sciences and their winning monographs (names in order of Chinese strokes):

Dr. Yu-Lin Lee

Professor, Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies, National Chung Hsing University

Monograph:《擬造新地球:當代臺灣自然書寫》,臺北市:臺大出版中心,2015 The Fabulation of a New Earth: Contemporary Taiwanese Nature Writing, Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2015.

Dr. Wei-Ping Lin

Professor, Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University

Monograph: Materializing Magic Power: Chinese Popular Religion in Villages and Cities, Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2015.

Dr. Ying-Wen Tsai

Research Fellow, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica

Monograph: 《從王權、專制到民主:西方民主思想的開展及其問題》,台北市:聯經出版公司,2015 From Autocracy to Democracy: The Unfolding of Western Democratic Thought, Taipei: Linking Publishing, 2015

Dr. Fei-Wen Liu

Research Fellow, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica

Monograph: Gendered Words: Sentiments and Expression in Changing Rural China, New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Dr. Hwa-Jen Liu

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University

Monograph: Leverage of the Weak: Labor and Environmental Movements in Taiwan and South Korea, Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press, 2015.

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  • Ms. Shih-Wen Huang, Media Team, Secretariat, Central Administrative Office, Academia Sinica

    (02) 2789-9868,shihwen@gate.sinica.edu.tw