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  • EU AI Act and Global Impact
  • Lectures
  • Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service
  • Location

    Conference Room 1, 2nd Floor, Academic Activities Center, Academia Sinica

  • Speaker Name

    Gabriele Mazzini (Research Affiliate of MIT Media Lab, Connection Science Fellow of MIT Connection Science and Advisor to the Rector on Artificial Intelligence of University of Camerino)

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[AI for ALL AS Lecture Series] EU AI Act and Global Impact (In English)

2024-11-22 15:30 - 17:30

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Title: [AI for ALL AS Lecture Series] EU AI Act and Global Impact (In English)
Date: November 22, 2024 (Friday)
Time: 15:30 – 17:30
Location: Conference Room 1, 2nd Floor, Academic Activities Center, Academia Sinica
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/z8e4T6HePc8e8ufR6
Registration Period: From now until November 20, or until full capacity is reached.
Capacity: 190 participants


時間 Time活動內容 Program
開幕致詞 Opening Remark
15:30 – 15:35主持人 Host
陳君厚秘書長 Secretary-General Chun-houh Chen
專題演講Keynote Speech
15:35 – 16:35
EU AI Act and Global Impact

Gabriele Mazzini (Research Affiliate of MIT Media Lab, Connection Science Fellow of MIT Connection Science and Advisor to the Rector on Artificial Intelligence of University of Camerino)

座談 Panel Discussion
16:35 – 17:30

何之行副研究員 (本院歐美研究所)
Chih-hsing Ho Associate Research Fellow (Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica)
蔡宗翰研究員 (本院人文社會科學研究中心)
Tzong-Han Tsai Research Fellow (Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica)
吳鵬君創辦人暨執行長 (AIPLUX睿加科技)
Peng-Chun Wu (Founder and CEO, AIPLUX)
劉瑞隆董事暨總經理 (凌群電腦股份有限公司)
James Liu (President, SYSCOM Computer Engineering Company)


致贈紀念品及合影 Group Photo

1. This talk will be given in English. Prior registration is required.
2. Registration Link: https://forms.gle/z8e4T6HePc8e8ufR6
3. Organizer: AI Promotion Office
4. Co-organizer: AI Cooperative
5. Host: Secretary-General Chun-houh Chen
6. Contact: Yuan-Pin Huang(2787-2573)、Min-Yan Kuo(2789-8726)
