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Code of Ethics for Academia Sinica Research Fellows and Research Specialists


Code of Ethics for Academia Sinica Research Fellows and Research Specialists

Promulgated by Human Affairs Letter No. 1040504068 on May 29, 2015.
Amended and promulgated by Human Affairs Letter No. 1060503117 on May 3, 2017.
Amended and promulgated by Human Affairs Letter No. 113190255 on Feb 1, 2024.

This Code of Ethics has been enacted by Academia Sinica, consistent with the legitimate reason and the spirit of self-discipline commonly shared by academic communities, in order to protect academic freedom, to promote academic autonomy, to create an excellent academic environment, and to promote outstanding academic research development. This Code of Ethics establishes explicit handling mechanisms and deliberation procedures that shall be accepted and obeyed as contract clauses by research fellows and research specialists at Academia Sinica.

  • This Code of Ethics has been enacted by Academia Sinica in order to fulfill the missions stipulated in Article 2 of the Organization Act of Academia Sinica, to protect academic freedom, to promote academic autonomy, to create an excellent academic environment, and to promote outstanding development. This Code of Ethics shall be agreed to and obeyed as contract clauses by research fellows and research specialists(henceforth, Academia Sinica research staff).
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall pursue the truth, discover knowledge, explicate human civilization, contribute to academic research and honestly face the deficiency and limitation of handling knowledge development.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall treat all staff fairly and respectfully. Unreasonable differential treatment and discrimination based on such factors as economic power, religion, belief, race, language, politics, position, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, physical appearance, marital status, physical or mental disability, and genetic information are prohibited.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall respect the expression and interchange of different opinions, and shall not exclude any specific opinion.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall not exploit unequal power relationships to treat others unreasonably with inappropriate behavior, such as verbal or physically unfriendly hints or contact.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall achieve academic results safely and efficiently. They shall adhere to the regulations of Academia Sinica on research activities, and shall not engage in embezzlement, fraud, plagiarism or other violations of the code of research ethics in their professional fields.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall protect the freedom and independence of academic research on the basis of honesty and conscience. They shall disclose all sponsorships received for their research. Research integrity shall not be influenced by a conflict of interest.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall maintain good communication in the academic community of Academia Sinica, and shall not engage in behavior that negatively influences academic activities and the work environment at Academia Sinica.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall comply with the law when interacting with outsiders, and avoid abusing the name, image or reputation of Academia Sinica.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall not seek inappropriate benefits for themselves or others or cause harm to others with their positions and resources at Academia Sinica; when the staff are in charge of the resources in Academia Sinica due to their academic research positions, they shall exercise the due care of a good administrator.
  • When Academia Sinica research staff know or hold information or materials that should be kept confidential according to laws and regulations, they must keep it confidential.
  • Academia Sinica research staff shall avoid, or disclose and manage, conflicts of interest involving themselves or their relatives (family members) in accordance with laws and regulations.
  • Academia Sinica research staff are not allowed to accept improper gifts, banquets, or solicitations from those who are affected by their duties.
  • Academia Sinica research staff who violate the Code of Ethics shall have their cases sent to the appropriate Ethics Committee of Academia Sinica.
  • Those who are determined by the Ethics Committee to have violated the Code of Ethics may be subject to the following consequences depending on the seriousness of the case:
    • Required participation in full ethics courses.
    • Receiving oral or written warnings.
    • Restricted applications for academic activities and research projects.
    • Restricted use of administrative resources.
    • Suspension of concurrently held supervisory, administrative, and committee positions at Academia Sinica or at each research institute (preparatory office and research center).
    • Joint appointment, transfer, concurrent jobs or teaching shall not be approved.
    • Applications for promotion or tenured appointment shall not be allowed.
    • Cancellation, annulment or recovery of awards and rewards previously awarded by Academia Sinica.
    • Recovery of part or all of the research funds sourced from Academia Sinica.
    • Academic research performance shall not be assessed above Grade 2.
    • Re-assessment of academic research performance and recovery of academic research awards.
    • Position retained without pay.
    • Those who commit severe infractions of the Code of Ethics and are determined ineligible for research work shall not have their appointment renewed or may have their contract terminated prematurely.
    • Other appropriate measures.

    The measures referred to in the preceding paragraph may be applied for different periods depending on case circumstances.

  • When an Ethics Committee of Academia Sinica deliberates on a case of violation, the person involved shall be given an opportunity to state opinions and present facts. More than 2/3 of the committee members shall be present, and the passage of deliberation requires the consent of half of the members present at the deliberative meeting. However, the consent of more than half of the committee members is required for cases involving the premature termination of a contract.
  • Those who are dissatisfied with the disciplinary decisions of Academia Sinica may file for relief in accordance with regulations.

Note: The Chinese text of this Code of Ethics shall be deemed the original. In the event of any dispute or misunderstanding as to the interpretation of the language or terms of this Code of Ethics, the Chinese language version shall control.

