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Guidelines for Core Facility and High-value Instrument Management Committee, Academia Sinica


Guidelines for Core Facility and High-value Instrument Management Committee

Approved on September 2, 2005
Amended on October 30, 2007
Amended on March 10, 2016
Amended on January 3, 2017
Amended on September 11, 2017
Amended on October 6, 2021
Amended on December 1, 2023
Amended on June 14, 2024

  • Academia Sinica (AS) has established the “Core Facilities and High-value Instruments Management Committee” (the Committee) to effectively integrate and plan research resources and to improve the service quality and performance of the core facilities.
  • The term “core facilities’” in these guidelines refers to shared research facilities that are accessible to all researchers at AS. The term “high-value instrument” refers to instruments with an acquisition cost exceeding NT$10 million.
  • The Committee shall be responsible for the following:
    • Planning and integrating the core facilities in accordance with the research direction of AS.
    • Reviewing the establishment of the core facilities of AS.
    • Allocating space, instrument, manpower, and maintenance and operation funds for each core facility.
    • Supervising the operation, management and evaluation of each core facility.
    • Reviewing the purchase of high-value instruments and deliberating upon the efficiency of their use.
    • Reviewing other miscellaneous matters related to the management of core facilities and high-value instruments.
  • The Committee shall consist of nine to fifteen members, including a Vice President of AS and a representative of the Central Academic Advisory Committee, both appointed by the President of AS, the Director of the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service, and representatives of research fellows and research specialists. Committee members serve a term of two years and may continue if reappointed. Central Academic Advisory Committee, both appointed by the President of AS, the Director of the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service, and representatives of research fellows and research specialists. Committee members serve a term of two years and may continue if reappointed.
  • The Committee shall have one chairperson appointed by the President of AS from among the three Vice Presidents to supervise the work of the Committee. The Director of the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service shall serve as the secretary, and be responsible for the execution of the planned activities in accordance with the instructions of the Committee.
  • The Committee shall be convened by the chairperson at least once every six months. When the chairperson is unable to attend, he or she shall appoint one of the committee members as the acting chairperson.
    The committee meets to understand the operation of each core facility, and manage the usage of various high-value instruments in accordance with the “Guidelines for High-value Instrument Use Management, Academia Sinica.” Additional meetings may be held when needed.
    When there are time-sensitive agenda items, and with the chairperson's consent, committee members may review agenda items through written correspondence. A resolution shall require consent from more than half of the members.
  • The administrative work of the Committee shall be carried out by the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service in the Central Office of Administration.

