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Academia Sinica Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences


Academia Sinica Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Approved on April 12, 1997
Approved on March 8, 2001
Amended on February 25, 2002
Amended on February 19, 2003
Amended on August 12, 2003
Amended on April 20, 2007
Amended on September 25, 2015
Amended on September 6, 2017
Amended on June 3, 2020
Amended on January 8, 2021
Amended on September 13, 2023 and Retroactively Effective as of September 1, 2023

  • Objective
    Academia Sinica (AS) wishes to cultivate talents working in the Humanities and Social Sciences, to assist doctoral candidates to complete their dissertations, and to build up a reserve of talents for AS institutes. These guidelines are established to promote this end.
  • Eligibility
    • Graduate students in the humanities and social sciences from domestic and foreign universities who have completed the required coursework and are thereby recognized as doctoral candidates, with research topics aligned with the research direction of the institutes (preparatory offices) and research centers in the humanities and social sciences within AS.
    • Graduate students who are engaged in part time employment are ineligible to apply for the fellowship.
  • Fellowship Period
    • The period is one year, and can be extended for another year to a maximum of two years if approved. The fellowship will be terminated if the recipients of the fellowship (the Fellows) are conferred doctoral degrees during the period.
    • The Fellows shall submit a report regarding their learning experiences during the fellowship period and the progress of their dissertation to the Central Academic Advisory Committee ten days prior to the conclusion of the fellowship, serving as a reference for evaluating the effectiveness of the program.
  • Application
    Applicants should submit a graduate transcript, a research plan, reprints of relevant publications, a curriculum vitae, and two letters of recommendation from their institution to the intended host institute (preparatory office) or research center in AS.
  • Review Procedures
    • Each institute (preparatory office) or research center shall establish its own review procedures. Each application should be reviewed by at least two experts. The application materials, review procedures, review documents and a list of candidates in order of priority shall be submitted to the Department of Academic Affairs and Instrument Service in AS.
    • The Central Academic Advisory Committee shall decide and approve the Fellows.
  • The stipend of the Fellowship is 50,000 NTD per month. The Fellows will have access to library resources and can participate in various academic events in AS .
    During the fellowship period, the Fellows are not allowed to concurrently receive the following scholarships or work-related remunerations:
    • Scholarships offered by the National Science and Technology Council to support doctoral candidates in the humanities and social sciences for dissertation writing.
    • Long-term scholarships offered by the Fellows’ institutions, other government agencies, academic foundations, or similar organizations.
  • Should a Fellow be involved in any academic ethics violation, the “Code of Ethics for Academia Sinica Research Fellows and Research Specialists” is applicable to their case.

