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從事 Wireless Communications, Wireless Networks, Internet of Things, Machine Learning in Communications and Networking 等相關領域之研究及論文發表。
  • 裝飾圖張佑榕老師實驗室
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-12-31
從事深度學習於電腦視覺相關研究。詳細內容包含人臉辨識、動作識別、物體偵測和追蹤、基於生成模型(Diffusion model, GAN, etc)之圖片影片及3D生成和檢測等多模態生成式AI、視覺與語言之多模態模型、對抗樣本、或其他電腦視覺與人工智慧安全(AI Security)相關研究,視應徵者背景及能力而定。
  • 裝飾圖人工智慧影像理解實驗室(AIIULab)
  • 裝飾圖截止:2025-12-31
1. 研發與實作資料科學技術,於智慧醫療或跨領域研究計畫進行深入分析,參與學術論文撰寫和發表,以及產學研合作計畫。
2. 利用資訊與通訊科技 (ICT) 及智慧物聯網 (AIoT) 技術於跨領域應用,包括醫療影像辨識及判讀,針對肝臟/ 腎臟/ 心臟之 CT, MRI, IVUS, or MPI 影像辨識。另於農業場域,透過機器學習技術及 IoT 技術建立智慧農業平台,控制與優化種植農作物參數,以利作物生長。
3. 負責Python / Linux的程式開發和維護或進行開發工作,優化機器學習、深度學習或聯邦學習方案。
  • 裝飾圖蕭邱漢老師實驗室
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-06-30
本實驗室獲得中研院深耕計畫 (Investigator Award),將有連續5年充裕的研究經費,與台大電機/台大資工的研究團隊合作從事Intermittent TinyML與Substitutable AI研究,目的是發展兼顧智能創新與環境永續之微型機器學習系統。團隊成員有三位博士後 (University of York, Tohoku University, NTU博士)、兩位博士生 (台大電與台大資工)、兩位專任助理 (台大電機/財金與長庚資工)。實驗室風氣融洽,教學相長,非常鼓勵成員出席重要國際會議發表論文。
  • 裝飾圖修丕承-EMCLab實驗室
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-12-31
- 入侵偵測系統研發與測試。
- 對抗例生成技術研發。
- 自動化入侵規則生成。
- 人工智慧框架使用。
- 系統稽核紀錄和網路封包分析。

-開發一種 AI 模型 (深度學習與機器學習) ,根據輸入的工作負載預測溫度和能源消耗,透過量測硬體的老舊程度、工作負載、溫度和能源消耗等資訊,分析彼此之間的關係。
-實施基於 AI 的 HVAC(Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)系統控制,系統控制和溫度調節機器人 (無人載具) 。
-分析並優化虛擬化和雲端運算的使用以實現更好的能源管理,設計一種線上排程機制以處理機器學習/高效能運算(High Performance Computing, HPC)工作負載。

- 從事資料安全與隱私保護之相關領域研究工作
- Python、Linux、Matlab、Deep Learning Toolbox基礎程式撰寫能力。
- Deep Learning、Federated Learning、Homomorphic Encryption技術相關研究。

- 建立一個擁有用戶社群的元宇宙平台,已創建虛擬居住環境。
- 識別元宇宙中針對用戶數據和隱私的各類攻擊者,並建立更安全、更可靠的NFT交易系統。
- 提供多樣化的沉浸式虛擬展覽、互動展演等XR內容,將知識轉譯納入元宇宙之中,使得觀者可以以元宇宙的形式接觸吸收新知。
  • 裝飾圖蕭邱漢老師-資安&人工智慧實驗室(SAILAB)
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-12-31
(1)Security, Privacy, Zero-Day attack, Cyber Forensics Analysis等相關研究。
(2)Internet of Things, Machine Learning等相關領域之研究。
  • 裝飾圖蕭邱漢老師 - 資安&人工智慧實驗室(SAILAB)
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-12-31
1. 最新高效率疊層式鈣鈦礦/矽太陽能電池技術發展研究
2. 元件製程與光電特性量測設備之調校、量測
3. 濺鍍、熱蒸鍍、原子層沉積技術或與半導體、太陽能電池相關實驗製程
4. 製程與量測、場務相關機台維護
1. Research and Development of Advanced High-Efficiency Tandem Perovskite/Silicon Solar Cell Technology.
2. The fabrication of solar cell devices, Calibration and Measurement of Optoelectronic Characteristics Measurement Equipment.
3. Experimentation with Sputtering, Thermal Evaporation, Atomic Layer Deposition Techniques, or Processes Related to Semiconductor and Solar Cell Manufacturing.
4. Maintenance of Equipment Related to Process, Measurement, and Field Service.
We welcome those who are passionate about research in the fields of solar cells, perovskite solar cells, green energy photovoltaics, and semiconductor-related processes to join us.
If you are interested in the position, please email your resume and information to Ms. Lu..
  • 裝飾圖
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-07-31
1. 處理學術行政相關業務
2. 專案計畫執行相關行政事宜
3. 預約系統管理及相關業務
4. 主管交辦事項
  • 裝飾圖張文豪老師實驗室
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-09-30
Interdisciplinary research on the development of microbial systems. You will be involved in either of the following projects.

Topic 1: To elucidate the spatial temporal dynamics of the polarity proteins within single yeast cells using reaction-diffusion systems. How these polarity proteins distribute determines cell polarity modes and ultimately the growth modes of a single cell.

Topic 2: Bacteria are not exclusively single cell organisms. Rather, they form multicellular communities called biofilms. Biofilms develop using patterned cell differentiation, similar to embryogenesis. This project aims to elucidate how oscillators within individual bacteria couple with each other to form synchronized patterns collectively in a biofilm.

Both of these topics heavily rely on the crosstalk between Dynamic Systems Theory and Molecular Cell Biology. We are looking for people who are well-trained in one of these two fields and willing to work closely with a partner trained in the other field. Depending on your expertise, your responsibilities will be either predominantly Molecular genetics plus Live cell microscopy, or Mathematical analysis and simulations of differential systems.
  • 裝飾圖邱澗庚實驗室Jian-geng Chiou’s lab
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-08-31
The lab of Ka Wai Ma is inviting application for one RA position or one postdoctoral researcher working on plant-microbiota research.
You will be working on one of the following projects:
• investigating the genetic basis of plant microbiota homeostasis using molecular techniques and CRISPR technology
• mechanistic study of how bacterial microbiota members interfere with plant immune response using biochemical means
The position is expected to begin in July 2024 (negotiable)

- 利用分子技術和 CRISPR 技術研究植物微生物羣平衡的遺傳基礎及機理
- 利用生化技術剖析細菌微生物相如何幹擾植物免疫反應機理研究
有關職位預計於七月開始 (可議)
In addition to the access of world-class facilities, you will be able to interact with local and international scientists through workshops or seminars. You will receive training to work on plant gnotobiotic system, reconstitution experiment and multiple omics techniques.
  • 裝飾圖Ma, Ka-Wai Lab 馬家威實驗室
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-06-21
吳亭穎實驗室 誠徵碩士級研究助理

The research assistant (RA) in the laboratory of Dr. Ting-Ying Wu at the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology at Academia Sinica (IPMB, AS) is fully funded. The role will work on the interaction between plants and the environment using systems biology and predictive biology.

RA 負責產生次世代定序資料集,包括批量 RNA 定序、ATAC-seq、DAP-seq、單細胞 RNA 定序和單核 ATAC-seq。

The RA is responsible for generating datasets for next-generation sequencing, including bulk RNA sequencing, ATAC-seq, DAP-seq, single-cell RNA sequencing, and single-nuclei ATAC-seq.

此工作將負責次世代定序的樣本庫以及數據集之製備,包括bulk RNA-seq、ATAC-seq、DAP-seq、single-cell RNA-seq和single-nuclei ATAC-seq。

The research assistant (RA) in the laboratory of Dr. Ting-Ying Wu at the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology at Academia Sinica (IPMB, AS) is fully funded. The role will work on the interaction between plants and the environment using systems biology and predictive biology.

吳實驗室是 IPMB 的一部分,該實驗室由來自台灣和其他 15 個以上國家的近 300 名研究人員和工作人​​員組成。 它位於台灣台北的 AS 主校區。 AS 提供最先進的核心設施,包括細胞生物學、顯微鏡、高效能運算和 OMIC 設施,支援我們追求尖端研究。 我們的主要目標是在實驗室成員之間培養高度跨學科和協作的氛圍。 欲了解更多信息,請訪問吳實驗室網站。

The Wu Lab is a part of the IPMB, which comprises nearly 300 researchers and staff members from Taiwan and over 15 other countries. It is located on the main campus of AS in Taipei, Taiwan. AS provides state-of-the-art core facilities, including those for cell biology, microscopy, high-performance computing, and OMICs, which support our pursuit of cutting-edge research. Our primary goal is to cultivate a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative atmosphere among lab members. For more information, please visit the Wu Lab website.
  • 裝飾圖吳亭穎實驗室Dr. Ting-Ying Wu Lab
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-07-17
The Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology (IPMB), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (https://ipmb.sinica.edu.tw/) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant Research Fellow level (equivalent to Assistant Professor) in the research areas of plants and plant-related microbes. Successful candidates should have research records complementary to the current IPMB research capacities or have the potential to launch a new research direction. Preference will be given, but not limited to applicants with research experience in computational biology or sustainability.

The mission of IPMB is to explore the functionality of plants and microbes to benefit science, agriculture, environmental sustainability, and human well-being. As a research institution funded by the central government, IPMB maintains well-equipped core facilities managed by Research Specialists/Assistants to provide state-of-the-art resources and key technical expertise for proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, cell biology, and imaging. The successful candidates will receive generous startup, annual intramural funds, and external competitive grant opportunities to establish independent/collaborative research programs.
  • 裝飾圖Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  • 裝飾圖截止:2024-07-15
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