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When Forests Hold Their Breath: Will Increasing Drought Further Disrupt Carbon Sequestration?

Date: 2024-02-16

A research team led by Dr. Yi-Ying Chen at the Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, collaborated with National Chung Hsing University and Utah State University, focusing on studying Taiwan’s recent drought. The study, which meticulously combines in-situ data, advanced satellite observations, and ecological data analysis, reveals the drastic effects of severe drought on wildfire and the carbon sequestration capacity of Taiwan's subtropical forests. Drought events have the potential to disrupt the functionality of forest ecosystems, shifting them from carbon sinks to carbon sources. Satellite monitoring of ground water levels can offer a predictive lead-time of 1 to 2 months to anticipate emissions. It is recommended to choose drought-resistant tree species for future forest management strategies, plan firebreaks, and simultaneously monitor forest net ecosystem exchanges as action plans to adapt climate warming. The results have been published in the February issue of Environmental Research Letters in 2024.