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Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology

Research Assistant (RA)/Postdoc實驗室研究助理/博士後

  • Job Description
    1. Unit

      Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology

    2. JobTitle

      Research Assistant (RA)/Postdoc實驗室研究助理/博士後

    3. Work Content

      The lab of Ka Wai Ma is inviting application for one RA position or one postdoctoral researcher working on plant-microbiota research.
      You will be working on one of the following projects:
      • investigating the genetic basis of plant microbiota homeostasis using molecular techniques and CRISPR technology
      • mechanistic study of how bacterial microbiota members interfere with plant immune response using biochemical means
      The position is expected to begin in July 2024 (negotiable)

      - 利用分子技術和 CRISPR 技術研究植物微生物羣平衡的遺傳基礎及機理
      - 利用生化技術剖析細菌微生物相如何幹擾植物免疫反應機理研究
      有關職位預計於七月開始 (可議)
      In addition to the access of world-class facilities, you will be able to interact with local and international scientists through workshops or seminars. You will receive training to work on plant gnotobiotic system, reconstitution experiment and multiple omics techniques.

    4. Qualifications

      Applicants are required to have research experience in microbiology or ecology, and hold a MS degree (RA) or a PhD (postdoc). Applicants with experience of QIIME2, python or R programming are highly preferred. Good command of English and preferably basic knowledge of mandarin.
      具碩士學位 (研究助理)或博士學位 (博士後),微生物或生態學科研經驗。具基本英語交流,通華語為佳。具生物訊息,比如R,Python Programming 及QIIME2經驗者優先考慮。

  • Working Environment
    1. Operating Hours

      Based on Academia Sinica regulation

    2. Work Place

      Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Ka Wai Ma’s lab

    3. Treatment

      Academia Sinica MS degree standards: NT$41040/month or above. Academia Sinica PhD degree standards: NT$65880/month or above. Prorated 1.5-month end-of-year bonus. 依中研院碩士及助理標準,41040元/月(含) 或以上;博士標準,65880元/月(含) 或以上。年終獎金。

    4. Reference Site https://ipmb.sinica.edu.tw/en/people/ipmb_researchers/ma-ka-wai https://shorturl.at/bKOV9
  • Acceptance Method
    1. Contacts

      Dr. Ka Wai Ma

    2. Contact Address

      台北市南港區 115201 研究院路二段128號

    3. Contact Telephone

      + 886 02-27871115

    4. Email kawaim7@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    5. Required Documents

      Please combine your 1) CV (resume) and 2) maximum two pages personal statement describing your motivation and interest for this position as a pdf file, and send them to Ka Wai Ma. Subject of email should be KWM_March2024_YourName. Please provide 3) the contacts of two references as well.
      Application package with a different format may be missed. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview by June. Position will be open until it is filled.

      有意者請附上1) 履歷以及2) 兩頁為限描述你對此職位的相關經歷和興趣,合併為單一PDF檔寄至馬家威信箱。郵件主旨為KWM_March2024_YourName,郵件不合規格者可能不獲受理。申請者請提供3) 兩名推薦人的聯絡方式。符合資格者將於六月後安排面試。

    6. Precautions for application

  • Date
    1. Publication Date


    2. Expiration Date
