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Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology

Research Assistant

  • Job Description
    1. Unit

      Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology

    2. JobTitle

      Research Assistant

    3. Work Content

      Our laboratory studies the molecular interactions between plants and
      microbes, particularly how plants utilize their immune receptors to
      resist infections from pathogens. NLRs are a type of immune receptor
      inside plant cells that can recognize effector molecules from
      pathogens. This study will focus on the evolutionary analysis of plant
      NLR-type immune receptors and investigate their functions in disease

    4. Qualifications

      Applicants should hold a MS degree in Biology or related disciplines.
      Research experiences in molecular biology, evolutionary biology,
      plant-microbe interactions, or plant pathology are preferred.

  • Working Environment
    1. Operating Hours

      Based on Academia Sinica regulation

    2. Work Place

      128 Sec. 2, Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei 115201 Taiwan, R.O.C.

    3. Treatment

      Academia Sinica MS degree standards: NT$43624/month or above.

    4. Reference Site https://sites.google.com/view/chwlab/home
  • Acceptance Method
    1. Contacts

      Dr. Chih-Hang Wu

    2. Contact Address

      研究院路2段128號 植微所 資訊室

    3. Contact Telephone


    4. Email wuchh@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    5. Required Documents

      Please send your CV, a brief description of your research experience,
      and the names of two referees and contact information to
      wuchh@gate.sinica.edu.tw before 15 th Feb 2025. Shortlisted candidates
      will be invited for interview.

    6. Precautions for application

  • Date
    1. Publication Date


    2. Expiration Date

