
appoint full-time faculty members at the rank of assistant or associate research fellow. 1 人

  • 職務說明
    1. 單位


    2. 職務名稱

      appoint full-time faculty members at the rank of assistant or associate research fellow. 1 人

    3. 工作內容

      Area studies of Northeast Asia or Southeast Asia, including historical, socio-cultural, political and economic studies. Priority will be given to those with potential for inter-Asian thematic research.

    4. 應徵資格

      The applicant must have a doctoral degree in area studies of Southeast Asia or Northeast Asia, and is able to receive a Ph.D. degree by February 14, 2025. Ability to communicate in Chinese is required.
      Please refer to Article 7~8 of the Organization Regulations of the Research Institutes of Academia Sinica (https://www.sinica.edu.tw/en/420) for the qualifications for Assistant, and Associate Research fellows.

  • 工作環境
    1. 工作時間

      Based on Academia Sinica regulation

    2. 工作地點

      Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies

    3. 待遇

      Based on Academia Sinica regulation

    4. 福利

      Based on Academia Sinica regulation

    5. 參考網站 https:// www.rchss.sinica.edu.tw/capas/
  • 受理方式
    1. 聯絡人

      Ms. Shu-Hui Lin

    2. 聯絡地址

      CAPAS, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, 128 Sec. 2, Academia Rd. Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, R.O.C.

    3. 聯絡電話


    4. 電子信箱 capas@gate.sinica.edu.tw
    5. 應備文件

      ※Candidates who wish to apply for the position of Assistant Research Fellow should prepare the following materials:
      1. Application form (available for download at https://hro.sinica.edu.tw/pages/895).
      2. Curriculum vitae, a description of past research and research interests, and a proposal for future research (approximately 3,000 words).
      3. Copy of doctoral diploma, official certificate confirming successful dissertation defense completion (all degree requirements must be fulfilled before February 14, 2025). If the doctoral degree certificate is not in Chinese, please provide a copy of the Chinese translation certified by the Taiwan Embassy abroad).
      4. Doctoral dissertation (finalized or a complete draft). If not in Chinese or English, please provide a synopsis of over 3,000 words in either language.
      5. Copies of representative publications. If not written in either Chinese or English, please provide Chinese or English synopses. Each synopsis should be over 3,000 words.
      6. University certified graduate level transcripts.
      7. A list of publications.
      Please send all of the above documents by email, and six hard copies must arrive by February 14, 2025.
      8. Three letters of recommendation are required. They should be sent directly by the referees to CAPAS before the deadline.
      ※Candidates who wish to apply for the position of Associate Research Fellow should prepare the following materials:
      1. Application form (available for download at https://hro.sinica.edu.tw/pages/895).
      2. Curriculum vitae, a description of past research and research interests, and a proposal for future research (approximately 3,000 words).
      3. Copy of the doctoral diploma. If the doctoral degree certificate is not in Chinese, please provide a copy of the Chinese translation certified by the Taiwan Embassy abroad.
      4. Copies of representative publications (if not written in either Chinese or English, please provide Chinese or English synopses. Each synopsis should be over 3,000 words).
      5. Supporting documentation of current employment.
      6. A list of publications.
      Please send all of the above documents by email, and six hard copies must arrive by February 14, 2025.
      7. Three letters of recommendation are required. They should be sent directly by the referees to CAPAS before the deadline.
      8. Qualifications for Associate Research Fellow are subject to “The Organization Regulations of the Research Institute” of Academia Sinica. Please confirm the necessary qualifications with Ms. Shu-Hui Lin (e-mail below) before mailing your application.
      Please send the hard copies by registered mail to CAPAS, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, 11529 Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan R.O.C.

    6. 應徵注意事項

      Deadline: All application materials must arrive by February 14 2025.

  • 日期
    1. 刊登日期


    2. 截止日期

