
博士後研究員/Postdoctoral Fellow 2 人

  • 職務說明
    1. 單位


    2. 職務名稱

      博士後研究員/Postdoctoral Fellow 2 人

    3. 工作內容

      1. 天然物合成, 雜環化學, 醣脂合成, 多肽合成, 化學方法學. / Natural product synthesis, heterocyclic chemistry, glycolipid synthesis, peptide synthesis, chemical methodology
      2. 亞胺醣, 醣類, 醣多肽, 雜環分子的多步驟合成. / Multistep synthesis of iminosugars, carbohydrates, peptidoglycan-related molecules, and other heterocyclic molecules
      3. 電腦輔助藥物開發和分子設計. / Structural or in silico-based drug design
      4. 能夠領導計畫, 撰寫計畫書及期刊論文. / Capable of leading projects, writing proposals and papers

      The major research efforts of this group are directed toward the development of new synthetic strategies for biologically interesting natural products and heterocyclics. To understand the relationships between small molecules and biological systems, combinatorial approaches are applied in our diverse molecule library synthesis (core diversity, substituent diversity, and configuration diversity) with the assistance of automated or semi-automated equipment.

    4. 應徵資格

      學歷或科系 / Qualification
      化學相關科系 / Ph.D. in Chemistry or biochemistry

      徵求條件 / Qualification
      1. 具有多步驟及不對稱合成經驗 / experience in multistep synthesis, asymmetric synthesis
      2. 或能夠領導計畫, 撰寫計畫書及期刊論文 / capable of leading projects, writing proposals and papers

  • 工作環境
    1. 工作時間

      Based on GRC regulation.

    2. 工作地點


    3. 待遇

      依中央研究院標準,博士後:NT$62,776元以上。Postdoctoral Fellow:NT$62,776. and above

    4. 福利

    5. 參考網站 https://www.genomics.sinica.edu.tw/tw/cheng-wei-chieh-
  • 受理方式
    1. 聯絡人

      李皇毅, Huang-Yi Li

    2. 聯絡地址

      Dr. Wei-Chieh Cheng Laboratory, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, 128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan ROC

    3. 聯絡電話


    4. 電子信箱 raxjimmy@gmail.com
    5. 應備文件

      resume, the contact information of 2~3 recommenders

    6. 應徵注意事項

      Qualified candidates will be notified for further interviews.

  • 日期
    1. 刊登日期


    2. 截止日期

